Saturday, December 31, 2011

Feeling Blessed

How cliche.....the end of the year is here and I am reflecting; but it only seems natural to look back so here goes.  The first thought that pops into my head is how blessed I am.  I feel so incredibly blessed that I was able to get pregnant, have a relatively easy pregnancy, and carry my baby to term.  And by term, I mean PLUS TEN DAYS, lol!  That stubborn girl was a little too content in my womb so a little Pitocin had to evict her.  Moving along, I feel blessed that although my recovery was rough, I'm grateful that it wasn't worse because it easily could've been.  I'm grateful that I was able to push through and make nursing/pumping a success because it took a lot of work which is something I wasn't prepared for.  Although I had learned about the trials and tribulations that can come along with breastfeeding I think I had assumed that I'd somehow be exempt since I had educated myself - boy was I wrong!  But the important thing is I didn't give up when I wanted to many, many, MANY times and here I am nearly a year later and for that I am so thankful.  

Most importantly, I'm grateful for my beautiful little family.  My daughter is the light of my life and my love grows for her daily.  Watching her grow from this tiny newborn into this gorgeous, spunky, and funny little girl has been life changing for me.  Motherhood is the hardest thing in the world but the most rewarding and for that I am grateful.  Included in my little family is my unbelievable husband.  I cannot even begin to explain how unbelievably blessed I am to be able to call him my husband and father to my child.  He provides me with so much unconditional love and support that I couldn't ask for anything more.  He makes me feel beautiful even when I'm hooked up to a pump - true story.  And you know what?  I think he means it!  He supported me and took care of me when I was unable to after the birth of our daughter and completely stepped up to the plate.  He did everything for the baby so that all I had to do was nurse her and even during that he'd stay close to me, rub my back, told me how much he loved me, he'd bring me food and water - he blew me away.  Even though he had to get up for work at 5am he'd still get up in the middle of the night with the baby no matter how much I told him not to.  He made sure that I knew that if I needed to quit breastfeeding for any reason that I shouldn't feel guilty and that he supported whatever decision I made - I think that alone is what made it possible for me to continue.  Just knowing that he had my back no matter what and that there wasn't any pressure made me feel like I could at least give it a shot.  He's been there for me through thick and thin and I know that no matter what happens I can always count on him.  He's also an amazing hands-on father who never misses our bedtime routine with the baby (he's the official bath giver).  He wants to be part of all of our daughter's "firsts" and is very involved with the choices we make in parenting her.  In my husband I have a real partner who provides me with everything I could ever ask for and more.  He fulfills me in every way possible and I feel beyond blessed.  I think that being with someone who respects who you are and loves you for you (flaws and all) without judgement is the true meaning of love.  This is the foundation of our marriage and it has made the transition into being parents seamless.  Children will of course change a marriage but if the marriage is strong then I believe it will change for the better.  Watching my husband become a father (and a great one at that) has made me fall so much deeper in love with him than I ever expected.  

Well, now that I've turned this blog into mush I think it's time to wrap it up!  So here's to a very happy and healthy New Year to all of you!!  Cheers!

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