Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hello, Gorgeous!

Are you a mommy?  Are you a wanna-be mommy? Are you a girl who just wants to relate to someone who's been there and needs a little pick-me-up?  Good!  Because I'm a mommy and I'm a girl who's been there!  ;)

If you follow my blog you will be taken on a journey of all things baby, make-up, boys, hot topics and FUN!  I have a lot to share and I'm so excited to share it with YOU!

Now I know what you're thinking, "And who are you??".  Hehe, well, that will come with time.  I thought about doing a blog about who I am and where I've come from but it seems pointless right now.  You'll just have to get to know me the old fashioned way, through the ummm.....errrrr....internet?  That'll work!  

Well, here we go!  The blogging has officially begun!  Get ready to find out exactly what "Mama Knows" and feel free to ask/comment away! 

1 comment:

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